The Top Reasons to Consider a Career Working With Data

Businesses in the past would often have had a lot of guesswork and trial and error when it came to marketing and advertising, making sales, and increasing revenue. Back then, in a world that was not as connected as today’s world has become, running a business may have often felt like there was a limited amount that you could do to spread the word about your company and encourage people to come and buy.

Traditional marketing methods such as posting flyers through doors, putting up billboards, handing out business cards, and cold calling will only go so far, even back then. However, things are very different now and the fact that digital and online marketing has become the main way for companies of all sizes to reach out to their audience and grow their customer base has led to businesses collecting huge amounts of data.

Data is the most valuable asset that a business can own today since it provides them with insights into any improvements that can be made to gain better business results. Here are some of the main reasons to consider a career in data science and data analytics today. 

Global, High Demand:

Data has seriously transformed the way that things are done by businesses around the world. With more and more businesses around the world gathering large amounts of data all the time and using it to back the decisions that they make, the demand for good data science and data analysis professionals is rising substantially. Currently, businesses are gathering more data than the professional industry can keep up with, which has led to a growing shortage of data science and analysis professionals. Ultimately, this is driving demand for data professionals around the world in a wide range of industries and in businesses of all sizes. If you are looking for a career path that gives you the opportunity to work in almost any industry and enjoy high demand for your knowledge and skills wherever you go, it may be worth considering one of the data science masters programs from Kettering University

The IT Field is Growing Substantially:

Today, working in IT has become one of the most in-demand and lucrative industries to work in. If computer science isn’t the right career option for you, working in data science or data analytics could give you the opportunity to take a different pathway into working in this booming and lucrative industry. Working in IT today is highly respected with excellent earning potential. In data science and analytics, there are various roles that utilize a similar set of tools allowing professionals to get into a career in IT, even if they are not interested in programming or computer science. In addition, it is often easier for data scientists and analysts to stay up to date and relevant in the IT industry. 

Technology is Growing:

While data has always been a major part of our work in some ways, the reasons why we generate bigger amounts of data today is mainly due to technology and the internet. Today, we have technology at our fingertips that would have been unheard of just a few decades ago, allowing companies to collect large amounts of information that they would have not have had any access to previously. Because of this, it has become easier for businesses of all kinds to use these large amounts of data to get insights into customer preferences, target audience demographics, and segments, and much more, making it often essential to the success of a business. Since the devices that more and more people are starting to use on a regular basis are getting smarter and smarter over time, more information than ever before is being collected in ways that we may not even have thought possible in the past. As a result of the new technologies that are constantly being introduced, the demand for good data science and analysis professionals is expected to rise even further over time. 

It’s Interesting Work:

Data science and analysis might sound like a boring job at first, but contrary to popular belief it’s not just about sitting at a screen and staring at numbers. While sifting through large datasets is always going to be a huge part of the job, it can also be a very interesting type of work where you might be the first person who learns something new and insightful from the data that you are working with. Working in the field of data science is all about coming up with solutions to the problems that we didn’t even realize we had, making it a field where you could be instrumental in coming up with some of the future innovations that quickly become popular around the world. On the other hand, data analysis roles often mean facing a range of different challenges on a regular basis. Either role involves a lot of creative thinking, problem-solving, and making suggestions and decisions that are backed up by the data that you’re working with. 

Great Career Freedom and Outlook:

Finally, one of the main advantages of working in a data science or analysis career is that you will be able to enjoy many different opportunities to take your career in the direction where you want it to head. With data being collected by businesses of all sizes and in a range of different industries, there is nothing stopping you from finding work in almost any business and there are no industry-specific restraints as you might find in many other professional careers. Working in data science or analytics gives you the chance to work in a wide range of different industry types whether you are interested in making a difference in healthcare, politics, public safety, online shopping, marketing, and much more. 

No matter where you go today, data is being collected in some way or another. Technology has led to a huge increase in the data that companies store and collect, and it’s one of the biggest assets for any company. As a result, it’s no surprise that working in data analysis or science can be one of the most lucrative modern career options.