The fidget spinner is a small device that fits in your hand. It is usually made up of two parts – a central bearing that you grip with your index finger and thumb, and a three-pronged rotational blade (resembling a rounded Chinese throwing star) that spins around it once you give it a flick with your free hand. There are some wackier designs that eschew this template (such as the multi-bladed cog version), but they generally stick to the same blueprint.
The momentum of the toy provides a pleasing sensory experience.
How It Works?
The real fun comes from trying to pull off various tricks and stunts with a spinner as these forces take hold. As it spins it can be balanced on top of fingers, toes, and if you’re really daring, your nose or forehead. If you have more than one you can stack them on top of one another, and create a spinning tower that plays with your eyes. Perhaps the biggest challenge is throwing a spinner to your friend and trying to catch it, a feat even more impressive to pull off than the bottle flip.
It is a spinning toy. You hold it between your fingers, flick it, and away it spins.
Why it is so addictive?
While other crazes have relied on collect ability or competition, the fidget-spinner craze has taken off due to the toy’s immediately addictive nature. The sensation that comes from holding a fast-spinning contraption is a large part of its appeal. As you tilt it back and forth while it whirs, you can feel the various spinning forces undulate in your hand.