In order to streamline the medical system in the country, the new laws are likely to be made on Ayurveda and Homeopathy. It is expected that the shaky science of Homeopathy will get a significant boost from these new laws.
A High Level Committee Has Recommended New Institutional Frameworks For Homepathy and Ayurveda
A high level committee recently recommended a new institutional framework for Ayurveda and Homeopathy in India. This comes quite close to the proposal by the NITI Aayong led panel to replace the MCI (Medical Council of India) with a National Medical Commision.
It was also proposed that the regulators of the highest standards of the professional excellence and integrity must be appointed through a transparent and independent system and selection process. The panel also highlighted the current electoral process being used for appointing the regulators is saddled inherently with the compromises, and thus, the people who aren’t apt for the task are selected.
Also, draft bills hav been put up by the Aayog on the website for the comments from the stakeholders, following which two newly designed bills will be formulated and would be sent for the approval of the cabinet in order to transform the bills as laws.
Proposal of An Advisory Council for the Indian Systems of Medicine
Besides, the committee has also proposed the formulation of an advisory council for Homeopathy and a council for the Indian systems of medicine with the representations from the different states and the union territories. These advisory councils would be made responsible for articulating the national agenda for the education in these areas of medicine.
Reforms Suggested in IMCC and HCC
In 1973, a statutory Apex body, CCH was set up in India under the health ministry by the government for monitoring the Homeopathy education in India. This implies that any institution which desires to grant the qualifications in Homeopathy would be required to apply to CCH, which would then prescribe the curriculum for the course while marinating the central registers to the homeopaths.
Similarly, another statutory body, CCIM was set up under the Health Ministry under the department AYUSH in 1971.
In August’ 2016, the government constituted a high level committee for examining all the aspects of the IMCC (Indian Medicine Central Council) Act, which was made in 1970, and the HCC (Homoeopathy Central Council) Act, 1973, and then, suggested the reforms for leading to the improved results in education pertaining to the Indian System of Homeopathy and Medicine in India.