Easy Home Renovations That Will Save You Money

If you’re considering renovating your home, you’re probably wondering if there’s anything that you can do that would actually save you money in the long run. While adding a conservatory to your home might be fantastic, it won’t save you a cent. However, there are now some great and simple renovations that you can make to your property that won’t just improve the appearance and functionality of your home but which also help you to save your hard earned cash. Here, we look at some of the best home renovations that you can invest in that will make your life better and your bank balance healthier.

Change Your Lighting

One of the quickest and easiest home renovations that you can carry out that will help to save you money is to change your home lighting. Smart lighting will be considerably more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs, so simply by changing every lightbulb in your home to an LED one you can cut your energy bills. However, if you go an extra step further and install smart lighting, you can really make a saving. It can be all too easy to leave lights on because you can’t be bothered to turn them off, but with smart connected lightbulbs, all you need to do is a tap an app and the lights go off. You could even go one step further an add occupancy sensors to your rooms. This will automatically allow lights to be activated and to switch off when people enter and leave the room meaning you’ll never need to think about switching lights on or off again.

Install A Smart Thermostat

This home renovation is a great idea to cut your energy bills. If you find you’re always fiddling with your thermostat, adjusting it up and down, you could be throwing money away on your HVAC system. The latest smart thermostats help you to make your life easier while also maximizing the amount you can save. Smart thermostats can be pre-programmed to adjust the temperature in your home through the day and even through different seasons to make ultimate savings. Some of the best thermostats will even make adjustments automatically, so you’ll cut your costs even more.

Change Your Water Heater

If you have an old-school style water heater with a tank, it’s time to think about taking it out and getting a new tankless model put in instead. As explained on this website, tankless water heaters don’t just save space in your home, they also cut your energy bills. Since they heat up water only on demand, that means you don’t waste money on heating water that is just going to sit in the tank for hours. You’ll be amazed by how much money you can save.

New Windows

If you still have energy inefficient single glazed windows, it’s definitely time to look again at a better option. Double glazing as an absolute minimum is recommended to save energy in your home, and triple glazing is even better. You’ll lose less heat from inside your home, so you’ll need to use less energy to keep it warm during the colder months. Although new windows don’t come cheap, they’ll make a big difference to the comfort levels in your home and you’ll definitely notice the difference on your energy bills.


Having more insulation added to your home will not only make it a cosier and more comfortable place to live but will also reduce your energy bills. Adding more insulation to your attic space, under your floors and in your cavity walls will make sure that minimal warm air is lost to the outside so your home is toasty during the winter and your energy bills sees the benefit.

So, there you have it, just some of the renovations you can make to your home that will not just make your property a better place to live but which will also help to save you money in the long run. These investments are well worth the time and money that you spend on them, since over time, the savings will definitely mount up. You’ll be delighted when you receive your next energy bill!