The Most Important Health Vaccines in Older Adults | Health Tips

Aging, like day and night, is inevitable. However, as you age, your immune system grows weaker, and the chances of contracting various diseases increase. It is therefore critical for older adults to get vaccinated against some of the most common illnesses to stay healthy .

A significant number of adults wrongly believe that they don’t need vaccines, probably because they feel healthy, or worry about the associated side effects. Unfortunately, the vaccine-preventable diseases kill around 45000 adults every year which underscores the need for the shots.

Seniors are among the most vulnerable populations, especially those over the age of 65. They should keep vaccines updated to keep life-threatening infections at a distance. The most vital vaccinations that you should discuss with a healthcare professional include influenza vaccine, shingles vaccine, pneumonia vaccine and Tdap.

Why it is Necessary to get vaccinated as a Senior

Research shows that many senior citizens aren’t getting the necessary protection they should be getting. Up to 30% of those older than 65 skip the flu shots every year, while a further 43% aren’t up to date with their tetanus vaccines.

The older we get, the less robust our immune system becomes. Older people are thus at an increased risk of contracting common illnesses such as shingles and flu, as well as, life-threatening results from them.

Getting vaccinated cuts the risk of getting the disease by about half, or making it milder than it should. Furthermore, the shots keep you from life-threatening complications associated with the diseases. One site we recommend you check out for vaccination tips is Now let’s discuss vaccines.

Influenza Vaccine

Health experts recommend annual vaccination for the majority of adults, and especially those with an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or heart illnesses.

Annual flu shots are vital since immunity has a short life, and new, better vaccines, effective against the current strains are available every year. You can get the updated vaccine at your physician’s every year during fall, depending on the supplies.

However, speak to your doctor if you have Guillain-Barre syndrome or you’re allergic to latex, eggs or flu shots. And if you have a fever, wait until it subsides before getting the vaccine.

Pneumococcal vaccine

Pneumonia is among the most common cause of death among seniors and is accountable for more than 60000 deaths every year.

Older adults and the most susceptible to pneumonia should get the shot as a one-time injection.

Seniors older than 65 years and with a history of immunization can get a repeat inoculation if they were younger than 65 since their last shot and it’s more than five years since their last shot.

Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap)

It is advisable to take the tetanus vaccine with the pertussis component to replace the previous shots if you are not more than 64 years old. For seniors more than 65 years old, they should get the shots but without the pertussis component.

Whooping cough and pertussis are becoming quite popular among the 65 olds and older, and so skipping the vaccine is not a good idea.

Shingles Vaccine

The zoster vaccine is the latest in the family of vaccines intended to control shingles – a highly contagious, painful and blistering rash – outbreak. However, the shingles vaccine only diminishes the risk of contracting the rash by about 50%, or reduces its severity, significantly.

Physicians recommend the shingles vaccine to seniors above the age of 65. There are risks for those living with particular conditions, so talk your physician before taking the shot.

Summing it All Up

The four main vaccines that older adults above the age of 65 should get include influenza vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, Tdap, and shingles vaccine. Flu shots should be on an annual basis while the rest should be one-time shots after attaining the age of 65. Have a word with your physician if you have an underlying condition.

As a senior citizen, it is necessary to discuss the recommended vaccines and which among them are right for you with your physician. For the sake of your health, don’t consider skipping on any of them. The shots will help you live a healthy and active life, by boosting your immunity, for your benefit, that of your family and the whole community at large